Thursday 27 February 2014

Unit RPHC4002 Waste - Research

I already knew that photographing homeless people was something that needed to be done sensitively. However, my research made me realise that I have to be careful and realise I may be approaching someone who is not in their right mental state. Some may feel that they are being exploited by someone who may be seen as privileged and starting out on a career that they will probably not have the opportunity to take part in. They could even think I am building my career by exploiting them.

John Angulat wrote an article which included a sentence that I thought was very profound. He said ‘Homeless is a category, not a person.’

He also wrote a poem to accompany the following two image which he had taken, which is very thought provoking. 

If you passed her by on the street...

…Would you wish her a Merry Christmas?
…or take the time to chat?
Maybe even offer her half of your sandwich?
You know, she has a name.
She’s a person. She once had a life. 
Now she’s one of the forgotten.
At best, a curiosity we might surreptitiously photograph,
At worst, a blight we feel we should ignore.

She has a name.

“My name is Margaret” she told me, “but I used to be called…”
…she can’t remember.
I told her “That’s ok, I forget stuff too”.
She smiled, and ate my sandwich.

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