Tuesday 21 January 2014

RPHC4001 The Object and Body - (The Worker's Environment Shoot)

The Shoot in the Worker's Environment

The second part of this project is where I shot the librarian in her work environment. I decided not to use artificial light as there is a lot of daylight in the library. I took along a medium format Bronica and a tripod.

Although I didn’t want my model to pose too much as it was meant to be her working naturally in her environment, I did ask her to look straight into the camera while she was between the aisles. For some poses she had books in her hands.

Looking at the results of my shoot, I feel they have come out well as the light was perfect. However, if I was to do this again, I would try to make sure that the background came out better. I feel it is too green.

For the final research part of the project, I took my questionnaire along to a community library and the manager answered my questions.

Now that both parts of this project have been completed, I feel happy with my results, especially as I had to improvise with my model and location.

Overall, I felt my research supported my concept in that it made me realise how important props were to allow the viewer to understand the image. Even simple props can achieve this effect. I could improve next time by researching photographs which were related more to what I had chosen focus on.

I chose my final images for the reasons that the studio shot showed the meaning of my concept by the props my model was holding. The library shot was chosen as I felt the exposure was good, and as the subject was closer to the camera it seemed to work better. She also had books in her hand which added to the understanding of being in a library environment.

I feel I have kept up with my studies all through this task. I have done lots of research which helped me decide how I wanted my final shots to look.

I feel the biggest challenge for me on this task was contacting someone in the community and arranging for them to take part in this project. It was made more stressful in that, through no fault of my own, it didn’t come off. Luckily Adele in the uni library stepped in for me.I had no idea I was going to be let down as my original contacts were very enthusiastic. Next time, I should ensure the volunteer is committed and be more confident about pinning them down to a time.

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